Dokumenter til dokumentdatabase

DR. Armin Kaltenegger, Austrian Road Safety Board, KFV
Progression of alcohol-related accidents in Austria and use of alcohol interlocks
Bjarne Eikefjord, Norwegian Alcohol Interlock Committee
Prevention of DUI in Europe/EEC- role of BTTF 116-2, political resolves, EU legislation
Robyn Robertson, President & CEO Traffic Injury Research Foundation
Legalizing Recreational Cannabis & Drug Impaired Driving In Canada
Geir Kvam, Consultant, Transport Workers Union-
The Tripartite cooperation – or The Norwegian model and alcohol interlocks
Roy N. Wetterstad, Regional Director, Norwegian Road Transport Association (NLF)
Our vision: Safe and responsible transport
Francesca Podda Project Manager, ETSC
Thomas Jarle Lund, Nor-Log
The experience of Alcohol Interlocks in Nor-log, a Norwegian transport company
Dr. Stefan Morley, Convenor CLC BTTF 116-2
The Future of Alcohol Interlocks in the Light of new EU Regulations and Standards
Martine Blom, Ministry of Justice and Security, Netherlands,
Effectiveness of the Dutch Alcohol Ignition Interlock program