I resolusjon av 27.09.2011 (2010/2235(INI)) om European Road Safety 2011-2020, krever EU-parlamentet handlingsplan for trafikksikkerhet (jfr.EUs 4th Road Safety Action Programme 2010-2020):
Calls on the Commission, by the end of 2011, to develop its proposals into a fully fledged action programme incorporating a detailed set of measures with clear timetables for their implementation, monitoring instruments, so that the effectiveness of the measures can be regularly checked, and provision for a mid-term review.
EU-parlamentet krever 0-toleranse for narkotiske stoffer, jfr. norsk lovvedtak 06.12.2010:
47. Calls on the Commission to support, as a first step, the development of techniques for apprehending drivers under the influence of drugs and medicines which influence their fitness to drive and to propose as a second step EU legislation to prohibit driving whilst under the influence of drugs or the above mentioned medicines, with effective enforcement.
EU-parlamentet krever alkolåsdirektiv etter 2013:
73. Recommends that fitting of alcolocks – with a small, scientifically-based range of tolerance for measurement – to all new types of commercial passenger and goods transport vehicles be made compulsory; calls on the Commission to prepare by 2013 a proposal for a Directive for the fitting of alcolocks, including the relevant specifications for its technical implementation.
Nærmere 80 norske menneskeliv kan berges årlig – hvis norske trafikkmyndigheter vil ta i bruk tilgjengelig teknologi.
Alkolås kan stanse rusrelaterte trafikkdødsfall – når politikerne bestemmer det !
Her er hele resolusjonen:
European Parliament resolution of 27 September 2011 on European road safety 2011-2020